I will start with a description followed by a few pictures of my very first successful attempt at sewing a pencil skirt from an authentic vintage pattern (keyword: successful. The initial practice skirt didn't always fare so well...). I found the lightweight plaid wool material I scored on clearance from Joann's years ago and set it aside. I decided that if I were to do this successfully, I would do it right from step one. So I found a length of lightweight quilting batting and layed the pattern pieces out. Despite the pattern claiming to be an "INSTANT Skirt: paper pattern is all one piece; pin to fabric and cut complete skirt instantly", it was THREE pieces! (Well, now that I've written that, it just occurred to me that it may well have been all one piece the first time it was used, being positioned exactly in line with eachother and having to just pin the whole thing and cut, but the first time you cut it, it would turn into 3 seperate pieces! Oh my, does that make sense??)
I thought I would have to scour etsy to find an authentic pattern in my size, and was prepared to troll ebay if I came up emptyhanded.. fear not the vintage-pattern-in-my-exact-size quest-- I found it on the first few pages, and it was CHEAP-- $6.25 and only a few bucks for shipping!
Anyways, on to the pictures! The only ones I have so far are modeled on my dressform, more to come later of me wearing them myself...
Here is the pattern and the fabric of choice:

UPDATE (12-01-11)
This has been done for some time now, though in an entirely different fabric choice (though I did make one with the fabric up there first).
Front View:
Back view:
Driving Range View! (I got a mix of looks from people on the way up there, both good and bad. Whatevs.)